Whose knock awakens
The deep slumber of the night,
For this precious life,
To slowly cast in light?
The lineage teachings—
That vessel full of treasure,
Who is it, rowing its oars?
In an instant,
It’s at our door.
Just one step forward,
We can readily board;
Sailing toward
The uncharted sea of wisdom.
There, your kind, loving smile
Brings into our lives
A resplendent brightness.
Rippling waves of compassion;
Surging tides of wisdom;
Steering straight to the morning sun
With you,
Safeguarding us.
Your loving care and protection
Promises us—
For all the days to come,
You’re by our side.
Translated by Amrita Translation Foundation
Author: Zhen-Ru
Translators: Ven. Sonia and Ven. Tina
Editors: Ven. Heather, Ven. Sabrina, Ven. Joanna, and Ven. Elena
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