
Our World


Our World|真如老師作品



Respecting lives-

As simple as paying attention to the ants by our feet and

As considerable as saving individuals, cities, and countries in danger

Compassion stems

From bravery and selflessness

From a single kind thought

These stories

Touch us

Encourage us

To live


To treat others well

We may even feel inspired to look around us

Who can I help?

What can I put forth?

And like this

Our negative moods no longer weigh us down

When we place our energies into supporting other lives

Suddenly we forget ourselves

And the troubles that so occupied our minds

Touched, our eyes brighten

Kind thoughts arise

Life becomes so beautiful

As do others

Lovable and dignified

After learning of these stories

The world within our eyes also changes


Illustrating touching stories

Or illustrating the heart?

The heart:

Colourful, lively, gentle, noble, dignified

The gentle heart

Is like a soft canvas and its


The heart is a masterful artist,

Painting all of the world.

Colourful stories

Bringing warmth to people’s hearts


Bringing warmth to the world

And us-

We are wielding the colours

Creating thousands of beautiful scenes

In our lives

Helping ourselves, helping others

Bringing warmth to ourselves, bringing warmth to others

Wield them well-


Translated by Amrita Translation Foundation
Author: Zhen-Ru
Translator: Kacy Lin
Chief Editor: Ven. Alick
Editors: Ven. Yvonne, Ven. Sabrina, Ven. Joanna, Ven. Elena, Ven. Sonia, Ven. Tina, Jingli Wang



Respecting lives-

As simple as paying attention to
the ants by our feet and

As considerable as saving
individuals, cities, and countries
in danger

Compassion stems

From bravery and selflessness

From a single kind thought

Our World|真如老師作品

These stories

Touch us

Encourage us

To live


To treat others well

We may even feel inspired to look
around us

Who can I help?

What can I put forth?

Our World|真如老師作品

And like this

Our negative moods
no longer
weigh us down

When we place our energies into
supporting other lives

we forget ourselves

And the troubles
that so occupied
our minds

Our World|真如老師作品

Touched, our eyes brighten

Kind thoughts arise

Life becomes so beautiful

As do others

Lovable and dignified

After learning of these stories

The world within our eyes
also changes

Our World|真如老師作品


Illustrating touching stories

Or illustrating the heart?

The heart:

Colourful, lively, gentle,
noble, dignified

The gentle heart

Our World|真如老師作品

Is like a soft canvas and its


The heart is a masterful artist,

Painting all of the world.

Colourful stories

Bringing warmth
to people’s hearts


Bringing warmth
to the world

And us-

We are wielding the colours

Creating thousands
of beautiful scenes

In our lives

Helping ourselves, helping others

Bringing warmth to ourselves,
bringing warmth to others

Wield them well-


Our World|真如老師作品

Translated by Amrita Translation Foundation
Author: Zhen-Ru
Translator: Kacy Lin
Chief Editor: Ven. Alick
Editors: Ven. Yvonne, Ven. Sabrina, Ven. Joanna, Ven. Elena, Ven. Sonia, Ven. Tina, Jingli Wang

Readers’ Messages

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  • Mary Lee

    Words Illustrating touching stories Or illustrating the heart? The heart: Colourful, lively, gentle, noble, dignified The gentle heart Is like a soft canvas and its Colours The heart is a masterful artist, Painting all of the world. Colourful stories Bringing warmth to people’s hearts Hearts Bringing warmth to the world And us- We are wielding the colours Creating thousands of beautiful scenes In our lives Helping ourselves, helping others Bringing warmth to ourselves, bringing warmth to others Wield them well- Wonder!

    6 Reply
  • 慧玲



    4 Reply
  • 蔡淑女


    8 Reply
  • Tim Chou

    Reading this poem reminds me of the selfless work by doctors, nurses, and everyone else working in the hospital.
    Even in the face of the pandemic, they go to work every day and help people feel better.
    Knowing that you are helping improve someone’s life is what keeps you going in even when things are sad.

    19 Reply
  • 洪麗卿


    9 Reply
  • Lin

    How a beautiful ode.

    14 Reply
  • Marina Tallent

    What a wonderful poem. The description of the heart. We all should care about each other in these uncertain times. Be there for one another. Thank you teacher for these powerful words.

    23 Reply
  • Violet Pan(沈小薇)

    The story is so beautiful and touching! It warm my heart, and the story is also very educational for the children! I am very impressed by the artist work ! It is phenomenal job! We need more story like that to change our world!

    Violet pan

    22 Reply
  • Jian

    We need to care for others and in turn it is we that benefit most from it.

    18 Reply
  • Jonathan Richards

    This is a very beautiful poem, and it inspires me to do more as an individual in this world. Thank you so much for this!

    21 Reply
  • 寇維德

    感恩老師的 “Our World”, 每一字每一句,每一個動人的插畫,讓我想起學校,醫院,郵局,超市,銀行,環保,飛機。。。依然運行,
    感恩不盡啊!他們不被環境影響,依然待人著想,全力以赴,我呢? 面對他們給予微笑,送出謝謝,還能做些什麽?
    正如師父創辦法人事業說到 “事情不在於難不難,在於該不該做,對的事情就應該堅持。” 只要做師所喜,供養師父老師三寶,一盞心燈立刻點亮另一盞心燈,

    28 Reply
  • Gordon Ho

    Exactly the moment I read this I was thinking about a request a friend made to me yesterday.
    This beautiful piece of work made me say yes :-)

    21 Reply
  • Dorothy Leung

    Delighted to see the English version.
    The simple but powerful words pierce one’s heart, bring in warmth, energy and hope. The pictures bring back good memories. We must be grateful.
    Big big thanks to our Teacher and the fellows who made this book come true!

    21 Reply
  • Sun-Inn Shih

    Hearts touching Hearts through actions. Thank you for showing me through illustrations, poetic phrases, and melodies. It cracks open my focus on my self and see the world that is illuminated by kindness.

    23 Reply
  • 洪欣霈

    Sun-Inn Shih


    0 Reply
  • Maurice Tong

    Thanks for pointing out that a colourful world is out there for us when we care about others over ourselves. It in a way helps me understand why I would feel so upset when I only care only about myself. On the contrary, when we lit up others, it will warm our hearts. In essence, giving out is a way of receiving.

    26 Reply
  • yinlan yin


    9 Reply
  • 郭品妤

    〈Our World〉讀來真的很溫馨近人,不但讓心裡生起暖暖的喜悅,更藉由文字四周點綴著的動人插畫,提醒我多看看人們善良無私的善行,讓自己心中的慈悲與勇敢,再次振奮起來,想開始努力找尋:有沒有我也可以盡一份心力去幫助其他生命的地方?


    30 Reply
  • 林文雄

    Good response my heart

    8 Reply
  • 景麗嬌


    8 Reply