Respecting lives-
As simple as paying attention to the ants by our feet and
As considerable as saving individuals, cities, and countries in danger
Compassion stems
From bravery and selflessness
From a single kind thought
These stories
Touch us
Encourage us
To live
To treat others well
We may even feel inspired to look around us
Who can I help?
What can I put forth?
And like this
Our negative moods no longer weigh us down
When we place our energies into supporting other lives
Suddenly we forget ourselves
And the troubles that so occupied our minds
Touched, our eyes brighten
Kind thoughts arise
Life becomes so beautiful
As do others
Lovable and dignified
After learning of these stories
The world within our eyes also changes
Illustrating touching stories
Or illustrating the heart?
The heart:
Colourful, lively, gentle, noble, dignified
The gentle heart
Is like a soft canvas and its
The heart is a masterful artist,
Painting all of the world.
Colourful stories
Bringing warmth to people’s hearts
Bringing warmth to the world
And us-
We are wielding the colours
Creating thousands of beautiful scenes
In our lives
Helping ourselves, helping others
Bringing warmth to ourselves, bringing warmth to others
Wield them well-
Translated by Amrita Translation Foundation
Author: Zhen-Ru
Translator: Kacy Lin
Chief Editor: Ven. Alick
Editors: Ven. Yvonne, Ven. Sabrina, Ven. Joanna, Ven. Elena, Ven. Sonia, Ven. Tina, Jingli Wang
Respecting lives-
As simple as paying attention to
the ants by our feet and
As considerable as saving
individuals, cities, and countries
in danger
Compassion stems
From bravery and selflessness
From a single kind thought
These stories
Touch us
Encourage us
To live
To treat others well
We may even feel inspired to look
around us
Who can I help?
What can I put forth?
And like this
Our negative moods
no longer
weigh us down
When we place our energies into
supporting other lives
we forget ourselves
And the troubles
that so occupied
our minds
Touched, our eyes brighten
Kind thoughts arise
Life becomes so beautiful
As do others
Lovable and dignified
After learning of these stories
The world within our eyes
also changes
Illustrating touching stories
Or illustrating the heart?
The heart:
Colourful, lively, gentle,
noble, dignified
The gentle heart
Is like a soft canvas and its
The heart is a masterful artist,
Painting all of the world.
Colourful stories
Bringing warmth
to people’s hearts
Bringing warmth
to the world
And us-
We are wielding the colours
Creating thousands
of beautiful scenes
In our lives
Helping ourselves, helping others
Bringing warmth to ourselves,
bringing warmth to others
Wield them well-
Translated by Amrita Translation Foundation
Author: Zhen-Ru
Translator: Kacy Lin
Chief Editor: Ven. Alick
Editors: Ven. Yvonne, Ven. Sabrina, Ven. Joanna, Ven. Elena, Ven. Sonia, Ven. Tina, Jingli Wang
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