Piercing pain-
News riding on the wind.
It floats.
It scatters.
The hurt.
The suffering.
The struggles.
The fears.
The world weighs heavily within.
Numbers become pain.
Numbers become solace.
The healthy.
The ill.
The living.
The dead.
Heartache upon heartache.
Tears roll down my face.
Swallowed by sorrow-
A thousand times
I seek to calm myself
Through conscious mindful breaths.
I must awaken.
I must find calm.
Thinking of our world-
What can I do?
What can I consider?
What can I say?
How can I bring
Comfort and solace today?
One night I dream:
I transform into a giant eagle-
My wingspan,
As great as the sky.
I spread my wings,
As all of humanity climbs on.
Extending both wings-
Pushing against the winds-
We climb the skies.
Flying from pain,
Flying from heartache.
Flying to the starlight,
Flying to the full bright moon.
We soar.
Pale blue night
Nightingales again in song.
Bright stars shine-
As if to play and sing along.
I am a great eagle
Soaring in the pale blue universe.
No more disasters.
No more death.
Flying to brightness.
Flying to the stars.
Flying to the moon.
We soar.
Nightingales in song
The stars shine along
Serene happiness
In the universe
In the world
In us.
Within this dream
My heart will stay.
Within my heart
This dream will stay.
Translated by Amrita Translation Foundation
Author: Zhen-Ru
Translator: Kacy Lin
Chief Editor: Ven. Alick
Editors: Ven. Yvonne, Ven. Sabrina, Ven. Joanna, Ven. Elena, Ven. Sonia, Ven. Tina, Jingli Wang
Illustration: S.H. Wu
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