
Falling Snow


As the snowflakes fall

Thoughts slowly drift along

Fluttering, fluttering

Falling towards a timeless space

As the snowflakes fall

Entering our dream with pristine grace

Having just settled in the soft winds

Only to dwell in eternal time

The fate youve given me

The hope youve given me

The responsibility

The gravity

I didnt retreat

I didnt evade

No matter what, I bear it all

Just a tiny, tiny crystal

Yearning to reflect your sunlight

Clear and bright, for your light

Basking freely in your light

Joyous, for your light

Luminous, for your light

Because there is your light

So there is my light

Also wanting to light up the dark of night

Though so tiny

But still I wish to raise high that ray of light

Because the snows fallen

Because the snows fluttering

Again, Ive entered

A country of dreams, thinking of you

Once again, your face brightens

Like a clear moon, illuminating darkness

As the snowflakes fall

Thoughts slowly drift along

Fluttering, fluttering

Falling towards a timeless space

As the snowflakes fall

Entering our dream with pristine grace

Having just settled in the soft winds

Only to dwell in eternal time

The fate youve given me

The hope youve given me

The responsibility

The gravity

I didnt retreat

I didnt evade

No matter what, I bear it all

Just a tiny, tiny crystal

Yearning to reflect your sunlight

Clear and bright, for your light

Basking freely in your light

Joyous, for your light

Luminous, for your light

Because there is your light

So there is my light

Also wanting to light up the dark of night

Though so tiny

But still I wish to raise high that ray of light

Because the snows fallen

Because the snows fluttering

Again, Ive entered

A country of dreams, thinking of you

Once again, your face brightens

Like a clear moon, illuminating darkness

to the song (in Chinese only)
Performed by Zhen-Ru

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to the song (in Chinese only)
Performed by Zhen-Ru

(The full track requires paid
membership of Star Music App)
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The Story Behind Falling Snow

Written by editors

Snow appears fairly often in Zhen-Rus songs, always as a vessel of purity and sacred aspiration. Sometimes it carries endearing memories of someone special, sometimes a promise, sometimes a long-awaited reunion, and sometimes the enlightening teachings that bring serenity and beauty into the world. In Zhen-Rus eyes, it embodies a world of meanings.

Since becoming the successor of her late spiritual Master 20 years ago, Zhen-Ru took up the mission to lead, care for, and inspire all fellow spiritual practitioners in their learning and growth, to be their support through joys and pains, good and ill, and in times of darkness and tribulation, to be their unfailing light of hope.

This autobiographic poem was indeed written in the heavily snowy season of 2021, when the world was still being ravaged by the height of the pandemic. One day in Ontario, Canada, snow coloured the world entirely white, with glimmerings of the snowflakes silvery colour. As a small group of monks were walking through the snow together, Zhen-Ru asked a student to videotape the scene. It reminded many of the time when late Master Jih-Chang told a story of himself driving alone through a howling snowstorm late at night. As much as the snow was intense, he was focused and steadfast. Among his students hearing the story that day, Zhen-Ru was the first to sense from it the steadfast spirit of the Bodhisattva—a heart always firm and willing even in the face of all the sufferings of the world, one that only knows to forge ahead in any circumstance, bravely and compassionately, to bring light and hope to all.

Falling Snow|Lotus Recollections

The Story Behind Falling Snow

Written by editors

Snow appears fairly often in Zhen-Rus songs, always as a vessel of purity and sacred aspiration. Sometimes it carries endearing memories of someone special, sometimes a promise, sometimes a long-awaited reunion, and sometimes the enlightening teachings that bring serenity and beauty into the world. In Zhen-Rus eyes, it embodies a world of meanings.

Since becoming the successor of her late spiritual Master 20 years ago, Zhen-Ru took up the mission to lead, care for, and inspire all fellow spiritual practitioners in their learning and growth, to be their support through joys and pains, good and ill, and in times of darkness and tribulation, to be their unfailing light of hope.

This autobiographic poem was indeed written in the heavily snowy season of 2021, when the world was still being ravaged by the height of the pandemic. One day in Ontario, Canada, snow coloured the world entirely white, with glimmerings of the snowflakes silvery colour. As a small group of monks were walking through the snow together, Zhen-Ru asked a student to videotape the scene. It reminded many of the time when late Master Jih-Chang told a story of himself driving alone through a howling snowstorm late at night. As much as the snow was intense, he was focused and steadfast. Among his students hearing the story that day, Zhen-Ru was the first to sense from it the steadfast spirit of the Bodhisattva—a heart always firm and willing even in the face of all the sufferings of the world, one that only knows to forge ahead in any circumstance, bravely and compassionately, to bring light and hope to all.

Falling Snow|Lotus Recollections

2nd Edition @Nov 2024. Translated by Amrita Translation Foundation
Author: Zhen-Ru
Translators/editors: Ven. Sabrina, Ven. Joanna, Ven. Elena, Ven. Tina, Ven. Jingli

Readers’ Messages

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  • Steve

    Endless thoughts accompany flying snowflakes. Time passes while Master has always been by my side. Wherever I am in the eternal life, the Teacher's heart is my heart.

    2 Reply
  • Jinmei

    How I wish to bet that tiny tiny crystal
    Yearning to reflect your light
    Joyous and luminous for your light
    Wanting to Light up the dark of night
    Wanting to raise high that ray of light
    Because of YOU

    2 Reply
  • Lee Choon Eng

    Thank you for such a beautiful poem. It tells me of the strength that you can gain by completely believing your Teacher and the difficulties that you will faced and overcome as there is always the light that is by your side, giving you warmth, and strength. We must have faith and do not waver or falter as we are always be surrounded by this ray of light. Thank you, my Teacher Zhen Ru !

    5 Reply
  • Teng Sock Thing

    Falling Snow is indeed touching and endearing poem aka IP that tells me how much Teacher Zhenru had undertaken her heavy responsibility over the past 20 years with compassion and unwavering resilience. Rejoice to Teacher Zhenru and may Teacher Zhenru stay safe and healthy.

    7 Reply
  • Eileen Goh

    A beautiful poem with heart & soul, appreciative & endearing piece lingers in rhe mind

    5 Reply
  • 杜雯瑛


    5 Reply
  • Patty Siu

    It’s beautifully touching! Some see snows a fun time, some see the snows cold and lots of trouble, but in the eyes of Zhen-Ru laoshi, it reflects the pure determination to bring hope and lights in all circumstances! In the cold and struggling world, may I never forget, that there’s always hope, for my dharma master is here, with me!

    7 Reply
  • Michael Gaudet

    My prayer is to lessen the burden of Your responsibility to all by walking beside You; to learn, to contemplate and embody Your Teachings.

    13 Reply
  • Yulisa

    In the past, while admiring the beautiful snowy scenery, I never thought about the deeper significance of snowflakes. It turns out that for devout practitioners, pure white snow symbolises a beautiful and kind heart.

    The author displays such humility, attributing the brilliance she strives to radiate entirely to the reflective light of her mentors, who shine like the sun. This inspires me to aspire to be that clear crystal within, illuminating the darkness of the night.

    13 Reply